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Bus Stop Films Canberra Showcase, Acton ACT


I acknowledge the Ngunnawal people as traditional custodians of the land we are meeting on and recognise any other people or families with connection to the lands of the ACT and region. I acknowledge their continuing culture and contribution to this region.

I’ve said many times that we are blessed to live and work in such a lovely part of the country — from the Namadgi to the south, the Brindabellas to the west, the Molonglo and Murrumbidgee rivers — and I thank the traditional custodians for looking after it, generation after generation.

Hello, everyone. It is great to see you all.

Linda and I are absolutely delighted to join you for the Canberra Showcase.

It had looked at one point like we wouldn’t be able to make it. But things change and how privileged are we to be able to be here and share with you these wonderful films made by such beautiful people.

Linda and I met with Genevieve [Clay-Smith] and Henry [Smith] about 7-8 years ago. Genevieve had this itch, I think, to say this fledgling organisation that is running classes in Sydney needs to grow and how can we make it grow.

Well, I can tell you, I didn't think back then that we would be talking about a national organisation with more than 200 people — the numbers are just amazing — involved in the production of these films.

As you can see in the variety of those four films we just saw [Bystander Effect, Ron’s Creek, Muzak, This Must be Love] the Bus, metaphorically, takes you everywhere — on emotional rollercoasters, it challenges you — just like the very first Bus films that were made.

They made you sit back and say is that really me in that movie, is that how I really feel about this particular issue, is that how I feel about people with disability.

That's what it challenges us to think about and, thankfully, it continues to do so.

So, to Peter [Tonagh, Chair, Bus Stop Films] and Tracey [Corbin-Matchett, CEO, Bus Stop Films] in particular — to you and the crew — thank you for leading Australians into thinking differently about issues that face us.

I have a line in my Australia Day speech for next year that says, 'While we are an island nation, we must not be a nation of islands', islands that drift apart internally.

Bus Stop is something that really holds us together. It unites us around something that is very important to everyone here tonight about being inclusive and valuing people for what they bring to the table. Not how they get to the table, but for what they bring. That is the beauty of Bus Stop Films.

Congratulations to all involved in producing the Canberra Showcase this year and the Accessible Film Studies program, and for the expansion that is going on around the country.

I want to acknowledge and thank Netflix and Woolworths for their support of Bus Stop — for saying they want to be inclusive, diverse, respectful and supportive of people with disability. I think that is a very important statement to make.

Netflix will also support the future employment of a Bus Stop Films intern as an attachment on an upcoming Netflix production in Australia. That is fantastic news and opens another doorway for Bus Stop participants. Thank you, Netflix, for doing that.

Now, talking about making movies and next year's feature film ... Linda and I are experienced, and from the middle of next year will be free in time and in cost! So, if you need people, please give us a bell!

With a Bus Stop feature film on the agenda for next year, 2024 will be big. I’m also informed that Bus Stop Films will host the first ever summit that explores disability employment in the screen industry.

The two-day summit will be held in Sydney in November — taking, again, the Bus Stop idea on to an international stage and reaching out and changing people's lives. How beautiful it is to be part of that. You should all be immensely proud.

Thanks again for inviting Linda and me along this evening. We love the Bus Stop Films organisation. We love everyone involved in it and we love being part of it ... every year I come to this event I get emotional.

Please continue to support the organisation. Bring young people in, bring people of all ages in, and say 'This is us. This is what we can produce.'

Well done to all on another great year. Linda and I wish you a happy Christmas, have a good break if you can, and stay healthy. Come back next year, shoulder to the wheel, keep the wheels of the bus turning, and let's show internationally that, while we are an island nation, disability is no barrier to talent, energy and drive and that anyone who wants to be in the film industry can come along and give it a go.

Enjoy the evening.
