Sarkis Karam OAM

Sarkis Karam OAM’s experience as a young migrant in Australia formed his vocation to make the lives of others in the same position easier.
“Since I arrived in Australia in early 1977, I felt the need to help others, especially the ones who couldn’t speak English at the time,” he said.
“How to guide them to settle in Australia, realise what’s going on here, to assimilate or be more involved in the mainstream community.”
For his work, Mr Karam was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia, as part of the Australia Day 2024 Honours list, for service to the Lebanese community of Sydney.
Mr Karam is the national coordinator and an information affairs and secretarial officer at El-Marada Australia, and was former president of the Association of Zgharta (Youssef Bey Karam Batal Lebnan). He was also previously vice-president and secretary of the Maronite Catholic Society of Australia.
He is a founding member of the Rydalmere Football Club, and is currently editor of the Australian and Sport Affairs section of Annahar newspaper. He has also been a journalist and member of the editorial staff at The Herald, and has worked as a translator for the Lebanese-Australian community.
“I love this country, and now to have the Order of Australia is a great honour for me,” he says.
“[The love of the country] has been what has driven me, so to also be recognised in this way for supporting the Australian Lebanese community – that is really, really special.”
Mr Karam says he encourages anyone to nominate a worthy person for recognition.
“Being recognised, it is something that really drives you ... toward giving more. I really invite and encourage and support the nomination of people, to give them the credit they deserve,” he explains.
“I know that none of us recognised necessarily want anything in return. It’s more like volunteering because you’re doing something you love to do.
“But, when the recogntion does come, it really does make you feel good, and that you should still keep doing good.”